Life by Design ⚡️
Since 2010, I’ve written blog posts learning and sharing ideas on self-improvement, and living with intention.
The Philosophy of Curation
The concept of curation* has been on my mind for at least the past 2 years. Slowly coalescing over time as I have been fixated on the idea of defining and creating specific spaces and experiences around me. This is a natural extension of the theme of ‘Life by Design’...
Why You Need a Second Brain
By nature, building a Life by Design requires a perpetual sense of intentionality. Getting clear about what you want, where you are, what is standing in your way, and what action you can take. To process these questions, we will often resort to our tools of...
Deepening the Texture of Your Life
As you walk down the path of intentional living, you will end up refining, curating and building a life tailored to your soul. Your routine, your habits, and your environment all working together to move you to the place you want to be and to a fuller expression of...
Sometimes, Progress is Continuing Old Plans…
As we get things going in the New Year, I have found myself in reflection, as we all do at this time. The key questions on our minds are - what do we want and what will we do to get it? If we have been doing this for a while, then we look back to our previous answers...
It’s a New Year, Now What?
I know, I know, It’s been a while. But hey, it is a new year and yes, I am here again, back on my bullsh*t about how this is gonna be a great year for my content and all of that. No lies, I really did have the best of intentions last year when I said I was going to...
End by Doing it Perfectly
A couple years ago, I wrote this piece - Start by Doing it Badly. Inspired by a Jordan Peterson video by the same title, it is a powerful concept that can be used to free you from the shackles of perfectionism and serve as a vital tactic in the war against Resistance....
How to Get Things Done When You Don’t Feel Like It
Winning the war against the Resistance Around the end of last year, a friend asked me a question. He had two websites to get done before he was done for the year, but he was finding it tough to muster up the motivation to get it done. He had planned the projects out...
These 8 Bad Habits Could Help You Succeed
As a person who has been obsessed with the ideas of personal development and self growth for a long time, I have espoused many times the usual mantras of hard work, putting in the time, waking up early, and so on. In my life experience however, I’ve noticed that even...
Some Ideas to Keep in Mind as the Year Begins
So it has been about two weeks into the new year. Things are getting into full swing. With school and work opening again, we are all easing back into our normal lives and routines. If you are reading this, you have probably already done some form of vision boarding...
The Key to Approaching Your Goals More Effectively & with Less Stress
The other day I was on TikTok (I know, bear with me as I gag for a bit 🤮). But I came across this clip that I found useful and got me thinking more about this concept of leading and lagging indicators. This idea has its origins in business and economics circles....