For a long time now (18 months+), I’ve been toying with the idea of desiging and releasing limited edition t-shirts for me, my friends and people who like what I do. And finally now, I am doing it. Ladies and gents, I present to you BXDI (BaseXDidIt) – a series of conceptually driven tshirts designed by yours trully. Each limited run of shirts would be themed around a concept i find inspiring/interesting/quirky.
The name BXDI was inspired by Bryan Espiritu, creator and owner of The Legends League. I hold this man in the high regard and I love the way he weaves his personal stories, ideas and heart into his work and clothing. I’m trying to do something similar, to create something authentic, and real, personal, raw and from the heart. I hope this connects with you and inspires you to be everything you are. Bryan Espiritu Made it, Base X Did It.